Pasiones argentinas -rugby

The headline in the Deportes section of Clarin this morning read ‘Pasiones argentinas - Dos días a puro celeste y blanco”.

I had decided to participate and bought tickets via an agency. However I broke a golden rule here. Never, ever, hand over any money until you know exactly what you are buying and have got it.

I thought I was buying decent seats on the wing with transport and guide included.
Reality was a young Arthur Daley type character who ran a very cheap operation. Transport was a run down old car belonging to a friend. The guide was another friend who had been given a free ticket.

The transport was very late arriving but we made it to the
Velez stadium in time for the start.

Today Argentina played Scotland at Rugby. Far from being seats on the wing we ended up with concrete standing room at one end.

The crowd was good natured and colourful but our section was enclosed by a very high spiked fence. We were like cattle in a pen with no chance of a quick escape if necessary.

High mesh fencing, razor wire and spikes. Not a lot of respect for the paying customer here.

Looking through the mesh and fencing at the wings where I thought we would be sitting. Standing room was complicted by the fact that some wanted to sit while others chose to stand and obscure the field.

In the event Scotland easily won a fairly dull game. Afterwards we waited almost an hour for our transport to show up. Not a good day and galling to know I paid a premium for it. This does not bode well for tomorrow.